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Showing posts from October, 2014

Tugas Bahasa inggris SMK

Hay,friend :) Aku akan memposting tugasku tentang keseharian ku dalam bahasa inggris,langsung aja yah :D Introduce my name is Qunita nurul. every day I wake up at 04:30 in the morning to go to school preparation. I woke up immediately after a shower, after shower my morning prayers. Finished my morning prayers change clothes and wear the hijab and breakfast. after after breakfast I went to school together mother delivered the male, until I get a bus, to get at school. Once I got to school I attend classes to finish. Buzzer sound was already home. I and my friends went straight to the bus waiting to get Gemolong intersection. Having reached my crossroad await bus to arrive at the bus terminal and replace Sumberlawang to get bulakmanyar. After I picked up in bulakmanyar mother. Arriving home at half past five, I change clothes and I Ashar. then prayer eat after.finished eating my last quick break my shower.then me waiting adzan for maghrib prayer congregation in mosque.After home f